Some comments about Words of Peace participation:- Propagation of Peace Message was done.- We got high visibility on Words of Peace media effort in Brazil. Now, Words of Peace is covering approximately 88 cities in 14 states, 2 times per week at least.- Words of Peace approached authorities, executives, entrepreneurs, and community leaders.- New opportunities of propagation with other association and institutes was opened.- The presence of Words of Peace in this prestigious event, reinforced the high level of the TV Show contents and its contribution to the Peace Culture in Brazil- The participation in this event opened the possibility to participate in other prestigious FIESP events.
The opening solemnity was in the morning on August 25th at the main auditorium theatre by national authorities and it was seen by very qualified audience.
Monica Serra, first lady of State of Sao Paulo; Paulo Skaf, Fiesp's President; Eliane Belfort, Fiesp's Director, responsible for the event
Elenice Bittencourt
Laércio Barboza
Silvana Divenere
Jose Sanches
Carlos Conceição
Carmine Santangelo
Maria Cristina Godoy
Zilmara Santos
Fátima Caetano
Fernando Mendes
Conceição Souza
Maria Ivete Mironic
Milton Mironic
Maria Dalva
Barbara Arena
Ezequiel Berlin
Zully Berlin
Solange Arruda
Cristian Abba
Jorge Pena
Ivete Belfort
Andre Lopes